Baba Peter Gonto, of blessed and glorious memory, was born in Mwari village of Bogoro LGA of Bauchi State, Nigeria to the family of Gung Gida Vodhm Fyali (The Village Head of Mwari) in the year 1882. The name “Peter” was given to him when he got converted to Christianity in 1926. From a credible source, Gung Gida, the father of Gonto, was arguably the first Zaar Christian convert. On the contrary, others believe that Baba Gonto was the first Christian convert and missionary in Zaar Land. Gonto doubled as an evangelist and a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The legendary Baba Gonto Mwari (1882-2000) was a classically renowned freedom fighter in the Zaar nationalistic struggle for freedom, justice, and equity in the dominant polity of the Emirate System common in Northern Nigeria which suppresses ethnic nationalities who are not followers of Islam. Over time, Baba Gonto later became the core reference or rather symbol of the Zaar nationalistic struggle for freedom and self-determination from the cruel oppression of the Bauchi Emirate and the Islamic expansionism agenda of the Fulani jihadists.